Mama’s Mastering Money

A coaching program for women of purpose who are ready to transform their money management skills

The Problem

For most of your life you’ve believed that money management is complicated and downright intimidating. So, you keep putting off starting your financial wellness journey…again and again. You know that you are destined for a greater purpose, but you’re stuck not living it – because of your finances. 

Right now you are….

overwhelmed by your finances 

afraid of budgeting

constantly telling yourself that you are “bad” with money

waiting for the “right time” (i.e. a raise, bonus, tax time, or some lump sum of money) to get your finances in order 

You just haven’t figured out how to manage your money in a way that allows you to enjoy it now AND do the things you need to secure your future. 

You’re tired of feeling ashamed that you haven’t reached the goals and milestones you set for yourself, simply because you haven’t figured out how to manage the money you have. 

The Future

What if I told you that money management, financial wellness, and wealth planning aren’t only about creating a budget, fixing your credit, or paying off debt…

Or, that DIY’ing your way to your money goals isn’t a realistic fix….

Picture This…

feeling confident and strategic with your finances 

finally taking that family vacation you’ve been planning for years

being able to handle costly life emergencies without feeling defeated or worried  

knowing you’re being a good steward over the money you've been blessed with   

being a proud financial role model for your children and shaping a positive money story for them


Mama’s Mastering Money 

A group coaching program where money and mindset collide

Your finances are more than just creating a budget, increasing your savings account balance, fixing your credit, or paying off debt. 

It's initiating a financial lifestyle shift with your mindset AND your money. 

In this 6-month group coaching program, you will learn how to overcome your unique money story (the thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that have gotten you to where you are) and reframe your money mindset while modifying your money management methods. 

The Difference…

Mama’s Mastering Money is not your average financial coaching program! 

No more generic money affirmations or money hacks to get quick wins. 

You will redefine your relationship with money and build a sustainable money management system to help you see results and become the financially secure and confident woman you desire to become.

Using the G.R.O.W. framework, you’ll reframe your money mindset and modify your money management systems. 

  • Create your long-term life and money vision. Your finances are connected to your life's mission and purpose, get a clearer picture of who you are and who God is calling you to be as you discover how to use your money to impact yourself and others positively.

  • Bring awareness to your money mindset blocks and limits and discover your current financial patterns to determine what modifications you need to make.

  • Combine your vision (where you want to be) and awareness (where you are now) to create your personalized roadmap.

  • Take action! Implement all of the systems and strategies to help you get the results you desire and get closer to fulfilling your purpose with a financial lifestyle shift.

The Results

“I was struggling with budgeting and understanding billing cycles. Since working with The Lotus Legacy, my credit has improved, I have a better money mindset, have learned to budget very efficiently and I have less debt. Working with The Lotus Legacy felt like working with a sister or close friend.” 

Tammy W.

“Tiffany has provided my family and me with an immense amount of knowledge about the power of money mindset, budgeting, and creating generational wealth. She is adding SO MUCH value to everyone that she supports in this way!”

Shamika G.

So How Does This All Work?

Mama’s Mastering Money is a 6-month coaching program with live group and one-on-one sessions. In addition to coaching, you’ll also get access to mini-trainings and workshops. Throughout the program, you’ll get workbooks and ongoing coaching and support to help you implement and move toward your financial goals.

What You Get Inside of Mama’s Mastering Money:

✓ 18 group coaching sessions 

✓ 3 one-on-one milestone calls

✓ 1-year access to all session recordings 

✓ Financial resources 

✓ Money Mindset resources 

Plus you’ll get access to these EXCLUSIVE WORKSHOPS: 

  • Money and Marriage (how to incorporate this program into your marriage the right way)

  • Money Mindset Journaling 

  • Setting (and enforcing) Money Boundaries

The Investment

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

I know it may feel strange to pay for someone to help you with your money, but this short-term investment is to help you to make better, more logical, value-based, and vision-aligned decisions with your money so you can create the lasting change to build wealth and leave a legacy. This curriculum is value-packed with actionable and sustainable strategies that will help you transform your life for the better.

What’s included:

✓ 12 Weekly Group Coaching Session ($2,700 value)

✓ Bi-weekly Group Coaching Sessions ($900 value)

✓ 3 one-on-one Milestone Calls ($450 value)

✓ One year access to Session Recordings ($3,,750 value)

✓ Financial Resources ($175 value)

✓ Money Mindset Resources ($500 value)

  • One-time Payment: $2,500

  • Monthly Payment Options: $500/month ($3,000 total)

The Guarantee

I want you to be 100% confident when you join Mama’s Mastering Money. 

While I can’t guarantee money back, I can guarantee that I am committed and determined to help you reach your financial goals (provided you make the investment and commitment, to show up and do the work). 

Hi, I’m Tiffany, a Certified Personal Finance and Mindset Coach! 

I’m a deep-thinker, problem-solver, and change encourager who uses a unique approach to finance to help women enhance their financial wellness and become financially stable. 

As a wife, mother of three, and yoga lover, I’m very intentional about taking a holistic approach to helping purpose-filled women everywhere create a financial lifestyle shift. In 2015, my husband and I realized we were $91,000 in debt (not including our mortgage or any student loans). I realized that if I truly wanted a financially stable life for myself and my children, I was going to have to do things differently. After shifting my money management and mindset, we were able to pay that debt off in three years and are now building wealth for ourselves and our family. I started The Lotus Legacy, to help other women redefine their family’s money story. 

  • ​​Certified Personal Finance Coach

  • Certified CBT Mindset Coach

  • Certified REBT Mindset Coach

  • Certified Confidence Coach

Reassurance, Is this for me?

If you’ve ever felt like: 

✓ You know you need to do things differently because healthy finances are part of overall wellness, but the topic of money is intimidating and anxiety-inducing…

✓ You're tired of stressing about money and want to enjoy life without feeling guilt or regret whenever you splurge.

✓ You have a goal to pay off your debt, but the balances don’t seem to be budging.

✓ You want to have money in your savings account so you don’t have to rely on other people or get into more debt when you're in a tight spot.

Then, Mama’s Mastering Money was created just for you!

“Nothing will work unless you do” 

- Maya Angelou

It’s time for you to stop just talking about getting your finances in order and start doing it! 

Managing your money doesn't have to be complex, restricting, or complicated. You can simplify and tailor your systems to a unique plan that works for your life and your family. 

Shifting your mindset is more than just saying some affirmations and waiting for things to change. Affirmations are a powerful tool, but alone they can't help you transform your limiting beliefs and mindset.

Your finances are part of your wellness, and they need to be intentionally incorporated into your life like any other regular self-care routine you have.

  • Yes! I know it may feel strange to pay for someone to help you with your money, but this short-term investment is to help you to make better, more logical, values-based, and vision-aligned decisions with your money so you can create lasting change to build wealth and leave a legacy.

  • This program was designed with you in mind. I know as wives, moms, and professionals we often have a lot on our plate. So, with that - you get to decide how much or how little you put into this program. You get 1-year access to recordings of all 18 coaching sessions in addition to the exclusive trainings. However, there’s no limit to creating a financial lifestyle shift. Right?

  • Before you commit to Mama’s Mastering Money you will get a compatibility call to ensure we’re a good fit and that this is the right program for you. Once you join, you’ll get a welcome email that details your access to the program.

  • I genuinely believe in this program and what I teach you. When you start there is nothing held back. If you do the work, and still are not satisfied, contact I will ask that you show me the work you have done via completed worksheets, photos, screenshots, and execution of the modules, within 30-days of enrolling, and I will gladly give you a refund.

You’ve Got Questions. I’ve Got Answers!